
We share about places, culture, society and destination.

Places have their own stories, among others nature and culture can be named as the strongest impressive stories we may find in every destination.

Pikenik.com tries to share the story and uniqueness of each place in the world by using photo shots and articles.


Both nature and culture are major components of Indonesian tourism. The natural heritage can boast a unique combination of a tropical climate, a vast archipelago of 17,508 islands, 6,000 of them being inhabited, the second longest shoreline in the world (54,716 km) after Canada. So why we don’t love Indonesia? Let’s explore and enjoy the Wonderful Indonesia.


As the largest archipelago state in the world, by area and population, Indonesia has a lot of natural and cultural assets and destinations. Unfortunately, several destinations are still hidden while it can be a positive contribution to the local revenue that will give impact to the national economy

Pikenik Vision
Introduce other exotic spots in Indonesia as the alternatives of travel destination

Pikenik Mission
Try to presenting images and stories about potential locations in Indonesia

We must remember that a photograph can hold just as much as we put into it, and no one has ever approached the full possibilities of the medium.

— Ansel Adams, Photographer


Menunggu Tiga Acara Budaya Kota Kediri Sepanjang 2017

Kediri identik dengan nama sebuah Kerajaan Hindu abad ke-11. Kota di tengah Provinsi Jawa Timur ini mulai menjadi permukiman saat Airlangga memindahkan pusat pemerintahan kerajaannya dari Kahuripan ke Dahanapura (catatan Serat Calon Arang). Dahanapura (“Kota Api”) atau kemudian terkenal dengan sebutan Daha.

Kiat Memilih Jas Hujan

Ketika musim hujan tiba, salah satu peranti yang perlu dipersiapkan adalah jas hujan. Memilih jas hujan berkualitas bukanlah hal sepele karena pelindung ini berfungsi untuk mencegah Anda basah.

13 Tips Berlibur Hemat

Akhir tahun biasanya identik dengan liburan atau traveling. Mumpung masih ada tiga bulan lagi, tak ada salahnya Anda merencanakan perjalanan mulai dari sekarang agar bisa berlibur secara hemat. Simak sejumlah tips berlibur hemat ini agar pengeluaran uang Anda saat berwisata tetap terjaga.


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